It is well known that Darjeeling Tea is hailed as the “champagne of teas”. It is available in a variety of flavors that depend on the different seasons (called flushes) and also the gardens in which they are grown. As the name suggests, this crème de la crème tea is grown in the hills of Darjeeling and the various Jay Shree tea gardens have been synonymous with this luxury tea for over seven decades.
Given the ‘Garden to Cup’ philosophy of Jay Shree Tea, the quality control of the tea is maintained at the highest, so that you get to have the freshest and supremely refined quality tea, always! Continue reading →
Where to buy darjeeling tea
Green Tea, Sipping Your Way To A Better Health
In today’s fast paced world, healthy living has become as important as it has become difficult to maintain. Long working hours, busy schedule and a host of other factors lead people to become complacent when it comes to their own health. A One of the major trends that has risen due to our lifestyles is obesity. Studies claim that a major portion of the global population is now within the fringes of obesity, which only harms the lives of millions and keeps their future at stake. Continue reading →