Darjeeling tea, whether green or black, is produced from leaves of the same plant – Camellia Sinensis. In fact, “real” tea is produced from this plant only. Then, what creates the difference in them? Well, whether the tea leaves will finally yield green blend or the black brew completely depends on its way of processing.

Based on the method of processing, we get four varieties of teas –

  1. Green
  2. Black
  • White
  1. Oolong

Now, let us differentiate Darjeeling green tea and black tea on different scales.

  • Differentiating blends according to oxidation level

Tea leaves which are pan fried or steamed at hot temperature just after plucking yield green blends. Due to this process, the leaves do not get the chance for oxidation and hence, they remain much like their pre-plucked stage.

On the contrary, black Darjeeling blends are formed when leaves are highly oxidized. In this variety, enzymes in the leaves are completely oxidized finally obtaining a dark brownish color. Heavy oxidation converts polyphenols in the leaves into essential compounds which gives the liquor reddish brown color and sharp taste.

  • Differentiating on the basis of caffeine content

The general belief is - green brews have less caffeine concentration than black brews. But, it is not true in all instances. How much caffeine a particular variety of tea will contain greatly depends on several factors like production method, plant varietal and steeping process. Research has proved that caffeine in green tea usually varies from 24mg to 40mg while in black blends caffeine content varies from around 14mg to 61mg.

Moreover, green teas contain L-thianine enhances the activity of GABA which, in turn, has as a wonderful anti-anxiety effect.

  • Differentiating according to concentration of phenolic compounds

So far as phenolic compounds are concerned, both black and green Darjeeling tea possesses the same kind of this compound. Then, where lies the difference? Well, it is in the level of composition that actually varies significantly. Studies have shown that green brews have high proportion of catechins and phenolic compounds and low bisflavanaols concentration when compared with black blends.

Bisflavanaols develop with increase in oxidation level and therefore, you can easily find these compounds in black Darjeeling teas.

So, if you are health conscious but cannot leave the habit of drinking tea, you should go for Darjeeling green tea. Brewed tea is pale green in color having a delicate flavor of the fresh plant. Feel the freshness with a cup of Darjeeling!