Organic Darjeeling tea or coffee – which one will you choose? Well, majority drinkers will prefer organic Darjeeling simply because tea lovers are more attracted to Darjeeling brews, no matter what the situation is. Besides, people have now become health conscious and so, preference for coffee has reduced considerably. When they have an organic variety of beverage in front of them, very few drinkers will like to drink coffee.
Organic cultivation of Darjeeling blends has become quite popular these days. Organic Darjeeling is certainly a better alternative to coffee. Since it is organic this tea is free from artificial fertilizers, insecticides and other additives. Therefore, they are natural pure beverage and also less harmful for health. Why don’t you take a look at the health benefits of Darjeeling?
Health Benefits of Organic Darjeeling
- Less caffeine content
- Fights against cancer
- Strengthens bone health
- Good for heart
- Strengthens immunity system