Tea manufacturing is a delicate and an intricate process indeed. Those who have not witnessed it by their own eyes will not clearly understand it. In many articles we read about tea processing but that fives only basic knowledge. The reality is something different.
Tea Grades – Something You should Know
Rolling and drying are two of the processes involved in tea manufacturing. Now, there is another stage after these two. Can you say what is it? It is called “grading of the tea leaves”. Have you ever seen finished leaves? If you have, you must have observed that ‘finished’ Indian tea consists of different sizes of leaf pieces.
Now, brewing speed of small pieces is different from that of the large ones. Therefore, it is necessary to sort out the different pieces to have a cup of evenly brewed tea. Grading and classifying the varied sizes of leaves then takes place. They are divided into –
- Broken leaf grades consisting of the small pieces
- Leaf grades consisting of larger leaf pieces
- OP – Orange Pekoe
- FOP – Flowery Orange Pekoe
- GFOP – Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe
- TGFOP – Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe
- FTGFOP – Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe