Darjeeling is known for its finest blends and splendid tea gardens. The estate where the blends are produced and manufactured authenticates and provides them their distinct characteristics. There are some magnificent gardens that work diligently for building up their repute in the beverage market across the globe. Darjeeling Tea estates have the reputation for excellent and high standard of manufacturing.
Everyone knows that it takes years to build good reputation. So, tea gardens of Darjeeling work hard in order to maintain highest manufacturing standard and grow their brand name. Do you know how many estates are there in this Himalayan region? There are almost 80 estates, each of which has a distinct characteristic of its own. The size of a tea garden can vary from 300 acres to 1300 acres. Hundreds of workers can work and stay with their families in a garden. Such big are Darjeeling estates!
Many of the names of these gardens are derived from the languages of a region like Bhutia, Lepcha and Nepali. Bhutia has their origin in Tibet, Lepcha is the language of an indigenous tribe and Nepali comes from Sanskrit.
Why names of the tea gardens significant?
Names of the gardens are important because they are the proof of authenticity. Customers also get to know the origin of their preferred blends. There are drinkers who prefer teas of one garden over the other and name of an estate help them to identify the blend easily. Blends of each garden have their unique characteristics. It is not that one is better than the other.
Geographic location and atmospheric condition of a tea garden greatly influence the character and taste of the blends produced in that estate. Again, personal taste also determines the kind of blends one ill prefer – whether it is the First Flush or the Second Flush.
Here is a list of the different estates producing the finest blends in Darjeeling Tea…
Darjeeling East
Arya Tea Estate
Chongtong Tea Estate
Dhooteriah Tea Estate
Kalej Valley Tea Estate
Liza Hill Tea Estate
Lingia Tea Estate
Marybong Tea Estate
Mim Tea Estate, Darjeeling Mim
Orange Valley (Bloomfield Tea Estate)
Pussimbing Tea Estate
Risheehat Tea Estate
Rungmook / Cedars Tea Estate
Tumsong Tea Estate
Darjeeling West
Badamtam Tea Estate
Bannockburn Tea Estate
Barnesbeg Tea Estate
Ging Tea Estate
Happy Valley Tea Estate
North Tukvar
Pandam Tea Estate
Phoobshering Tea Estate
Puttabong Tea Estate
Rangaroon Tea Estate
Rungneet Tea Estate
Singtom Tea Estate
Soom Tea Estate
Steinthal Tea Estate
Kurseong (North)
Ambootia Tea Garden
Balasun Tea Garden
Eden Vale Tea Garden
Dilaram Tea Garden
Margaret's Hope Tea Garden
Moondakotee Tea Garden
Oaks Tea Garden
Ringtong Tea Garden
Springside Tea Garden
Kurseong South
Castleton Tea Garden
Giddapahar Tea Garden
Goomtee Tea Garden
Jogmaya Tea Garden
Jungpana Tea Garden
Longview (High Lands) Tea Garden
Mahalderam Tea Garden
Makaibari Tea Garden
Mohan Majhua Tea Garden
Monteviot Tea Garden
Mullootar Tea Garden
Narbada Majhua Tea Garden
Nurbong Tea Garden
Rohini Tea Garden
Selim Hill Tea Garden
Seepoydhura Tea Garden
Sivitar Tea Garden
Tindharia Tea Garden
Gopaldhara Tea Estate
Ghayabaree and Millikthong Tea Estate
Okayti Tea Estate
Phuguri Tea Estate
Seeyok Tea Estate
Singbulli Tea Estate
Thurbo Tea Estate
Upper Fagu
Avongrove Tea Garden
Chamong Tea Garden
Dhajea Tea Garden
Nagri Tea Garden
Nagri Farm Tea Garden
Selimbong Tea Garden
Sungma Tea Garden
Turzum Tea Garden
Teesta Valley Tea Garden
Tukdah Tea Garden
Upper Fagu Tea Garden
Ambiok (Hillton)
Gielle Tea Garden
Glenburn Tea Garden
Kumai (Snow View) Tea Garden
Lopchu Peshok Tea Garden
Namring and upper Namring Tea Garden
Runglee Rungliot Tea Garden
Samebeong Tea Garden