The dream of one pioneer and entrepreneur Mr. J.E.Todd to become a planter/owner conceptualized in the year 1856 in the form of Meleng T.E. The site of Meleng was selected amidst the world heritage site of gibbon forest on the bank of river meleng, thus, the name meleng came for the plantation. The Estate is one of the oldest Tea Plantation of Assam with variety of clonal material and seed jat, which make it’s tea exotic / full of quality. Some of the best orthodox clones like P-126’s origin can be traced back to Meleng T.E. which can still boast of monumental plantation area of 20 Hact. which is 110 yrs old and still thriving.


- Use filtered or bottled water.
- Bring the water to a rolling boil.
- Put in 2.5 to 3 g of loose tea for every cup.
- Let it steep for 3 to 5 minutes.
- Strain into a cup and serve.
- Optionally, add milk and sugar.

Leaf: Super fine crafted orthodox tea with sizeable, twisted leaves and an impressive show of vibrant, blooming golden tips.
Liquor: Radiant amber with a combination of rich fruitiness, briskness, and a malty undertone.
Infusion: Unifrom and coppery bright with a complex nose.